Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blog, Term II, weeks 1+2

The work:
We started the Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, and studied quote handouts, poems, and reader responses that focused on it (GM). We read and dissected hte play, including looking at the film version starring John Malkovic. We wrote an in class essay about how they are all equally pathetic characters (NR). Each [character in the Glass Menagerie] is fragile in disposition whether it be their emotional intake, the fragility of a heart, the feeling of brokenness in a career...(VC). We compared e.e. cummings' poem "somewhere i have never travelled gladly beyond" to Tom's goodbye speech in the Glass Menagerie (SC).

The workers:
Mike relates the parent child relationship in the GM to that of the Grapes of Wrath (NR). Erik knew the word "jonquils" in the story meant "flowers" and prevailed after McG. called his bluff (PD). Steve said that anger is provoked in both Death of a Salesman and the Glass Menagerie (VC). Andrew believed that Tom in the film seemed to be drunk but there was no textual evidence for that (RH). Michael compared "traveled" in the first line of the cummings poem to the first line in Tom's concluding speech (RH). Silverio brought up the physical appeal of Laura and how she feels about herself (DG). Eric said that Amanda was trying to live her life through her daughter (DG). Travis spoke on Amanda's controlling attitude (GM). Keith identified how Tom's character is rebellious throughout the play (DK).

Words to live by:
"The actual world is less intense than the world of this invention and consequently his life." ~Tennessee Williams

"Time is the longest distance between two places." ~Tom (in GM)

"Glass breaks so easily. No matter how careful you are." ~Laura

"He is the long-delayed but always expected someone that we live for." ~Tom

"We live in a mysterious world, don't we." ~Tom